Here at Familylawyer911 we understand that although we all enter into marriage with the high hopes and the best intentions of being together till death do you part. We have put together a collection of Resources and downloads that we hope will help educate and inform you on the Family Legal System Process.
We understand how overwhelming and emotionally charged these types of cases can be. Here at Famillylawyer911 we recognize this and are committed to providing you and your family with peace of mind.
Dissolution of Marriage
The divorce and dissolution process can be quite complicated and difficult to understand. Many clients do not fully understand their rights and obligations as it pertains to the dissolution process. Click Here to Download What should I Know About Divorce & Custody?
Spousal and Partner Support
In the process of determining your support the judge will not use a formula but rather will take into account various factors.
These factors are:
The length of the marriage or domestic partnership,
What each person needs,
What each person pays or can pay (including earnings and
earning capacity),
Whether having a job would make it too hard to take care
of the child(ren),
The age and health of both people,
Debts and property,
Whether 1 spouse or domestic partner helped the other get
an education, training, career, or professional license,
Whether there was domestic violence in the marriage or
domestic partnership,
Whether 1 spouse's, or domestic partner's, career was
affected by unemployment, or by taking care of the children
or home, and
The tax impact of spousal support (note: federal and state
tax laws were not changed to recognize domestic
partnerships.) |