Welcome to Family Lawyer 911 support calculator.
Unlike other support calculators on the web that approximate support and can be off by as much as $200- $300 a month, our calculator utilizes the Dissomaster (TM) software the same software used by Family Courts. What would you do with an extra $200-$300 a month? In addition, all data entered into the calculator is reviewed by experienced Family Law attorneys for accuracy and completeness.
If you decide to retain our aggressive attorneys to fight for your legal rights in court, or draft a stipulation to modify your support, the fee of $35 (or $55 for the Deluxe package) will be credited to your account.
For additional savings, print the $100 off coupon to the left. This coupon cannot be combined with any other offer, nor can it be used for the Support Calculator or document preparation service. Limit of one coupon per case.

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Please select one of the following support calculator packages:
Basic: This package provides a standard PDF of the input page that will detail the amount of support the Court would likely order, based on the information you have submitted. If you have made an error in entering your data, we will re-run your support calculation for you, one time only. This policy is to ensure you are satisfied with your purchase.
Deluxe: This package provides a standard PDF of the input page that will detail the amount of support the Court would likely order, based on the information you have submitted. I will also e-mail you specific strategies and tactics for lowering your support if you are the obligor or maximize your support if you are the oblige. The strategies will be sent to you as a PDF along with the basic input page. I will then re-run your Support Calculator with these changes and send it to your e-mail address with these changes.
After purchasing Support Calculator Basic or Deluxe
you will be redirected to the Support Calculator Page to fill out form or
you can return to this page and click Continue To Support Calculator
at the bottom of this page to fill out form.
To view Support Calculator Page before purchasing
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